
at Northern Counties

Family Information and FOPHS News 31st January 2025

Happy Chinese New Year; the year of the snake.

Our fantastic catering department pulled out all the stops with a Chinese themed menu on Thursday. There is more on John鈥檚 blog with photos too. For those whose children struggle with change and normally have a school dinner I know a text reminder was sent in advance along with prior notification in my blog. I trust this was helpful.

Kung Hei Fat Choi (g艒ng x菒 f膩 c谩i) is traditional Chinese New Year greeting meaning: Congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year! Happy New Year! ‘Hao yun’ which means ‘Good Fortune’ is the simpler version.

On Tuesday the engagement pathway, LSTE (Learning Skills through Education) held a coffee afternoon. The focus was Preparation for Adulthood (PfA), and we were joined by Kasha and Mel from Hedley鈥檚 College. Hannah did a presentation, and we had some interesting conversations. Hannah Fuller leads on PfA; you will find more on this in the school blog. Our aim is to support parents and carers in the preparation of our students for adult life.

This morning, I joined Louise Finlay and Rebecca Fletcher on the online session for parents of students going on the residential trip (Post 16). There is an in person meeting next week. If you are unable to attend either, please feel free to contact any of us with any queries. I know from experience that this can be an anxious time for both parents and students especially if they haven鈥檛 been away from you overnight before. From my perspective, I have the best memories of my son鈥檚 trips to Calvert Trust with school where he had an amazing, fun filled week, and I got 4 night鈥檚 uninterrupted sleep. I trusted staff who knew him well to support his anxiety and it is so important, as they prepare for adult life to have time away from family with their friends.

A few requests.

The School Council will be asking for donations for the Mother鈥檚 Day sale soon, and later the Father鈥檚 Day one. If you have anything (non-alcoholic) which they could sell to raise funds, please send them in. No nuts either as we are a nut free school. It鈥檚 never too soon to start collecting.


The Post16 Outdoor learning group want to create some raised beds in the Outdoor Learning area. Some are a big ask but any donations would be received greatly.

  • Membrane
  • Topsoil/Compost
  • Gravel
  • Seeds
  • Polythene sheeting
  • Gardening gloves
  • Tools

You may send these in at any time to the office, Hannah Turnbull or for my attention, and I will pass them on.

Online Safety



FoPHS News:

As we welcome the Chinese New Year and the year of the snake, I looked for inspiration on Chinese New Year, and this one seems to relate to our families:

May 2025 be the year you achieve what once seemed impossible and discover happiness in the smallest moments.


Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer

Email: e.robinson@percyhedley.org.uk

Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.