
at Northern Counties

Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 18th October 2024

As we end the penultimate week before half term, it’s probably fair to say that both students and staff are ready for a break. School closes to staff and students on Friday 25th October and reopens on Monday 4th November.

We had the last of the departmental coffee and catch-up events this week and it was good to put some names to faces. Kasia did a presentation on the Engagement pathway and then parents had the opportunity to meet teachers and therapy staff. They always value meeting other parents too.


Hannah Fuller and I met to look at the information from the Preparation for Adulthood fact finding survey we sent to parents/carers in the summer term. Some of you expressed an interest in being part of a focus group. To this end we have arranged a meeting on Tuesday 12th November from 13.45-15.00. We invite parents of students in Year 7 and above to join us. A letter was sent out this week.

To make it accessible to all we are offering this in person and online. This was successful with the recent Bursary session. Here is the link to join online:


Online Safety



Half term activities:

FoPHS News:

I rather like this end of the week thought:


Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t ever have negative thoughts.

It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life.


Contact details


Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer

Email: e.robinson@percyhedley.org.uk

Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.